Saturday, August 26, 2006

...Tempered but burning so unharnessed

...Dusk she stares and ushers away the dancing rays of her skirte invites us her darquer sides that peppers her skyes
...she knows how we tred and leads us astraye
...there will be a hand round my hearte til the coming of daye

...matching matches and striking lights in a confined space
...with raw emotions going up like flames
...are they burned or are they burning?


...there it is I can see the crimson glowing
...who started this spark from inside there is only one way of knowing a beacon of a moment thats trapped in a timeless time a hand outstretched on a church roof as the bells of doom they chime

...the crucifix looks ominous and the darque storm cloudes they creep
...the rain starts to fall and wet me and this roof now seems ever so steep

...the falle is the hand that counters the fears of the prey
...after this neverending nighte comes the choice and this fatefull of daye

...the church it is full and there are many inside
...the cloudes let go their bounty and the throng they all hide

...a birth, a marriage, some souls passing on?
...there are tears yes, but this can ne'er e'er be wrong

...the left are lonely...and the gone, they now are so too
...but when you left me stoode here alone
...little you knew that I went with you too

Thursday, August 24, 2006

...Now, Now Is Gone

...When can we e'er say that the flames - it is a furnace so brighte?
...does the homeless transient ever know that home is where he is then?
...could you be the stepping stone sinking into the driest of river beds for me?
...should you ever let me down, should I ever be slightly surprised?

...I lighte your cigarette with water and you seemed unsurprised
...I mirror your images and know your best disguise
...noon came and the cloudes filled the skye
...nightes cloak caped me and teares felle from these eyes

...a worn and trodden path is often the least walked they say
...a pocket that fell off of my lifes coat
...held only my hearte

...I simply cannot speak anymore said you loved me said I loved you too
...we said we loved each other
...we agreed that we should be true

...I never said I loved me
...I only evertolde you that I loved you, too

...the windows over my eyes are breaking push them down to save my shuttered tears
...I have to thankyou for the yeares that have been my beste to remove your cutlery from deep inside of my chest

...Too Much Like Hard Work birth to a production machine in a wrinkleless pinque suit
...just a first few wobbley steps on down the road of money
...heading for a town called 'Loot'

...steer me do and point me true
...fore I will be a driver too, juste like you
...I have seen the coloured sign - now what do they mean?
...and how long before I leave this babyseat?

...I can see the big ones in the front seats
...while my nappies filling slowly here in the bumpey olde back
...were you ever, juste like me or did you always drive this way
...and I swore I just saw you driving on the other side of the road
...going the opposite way

...all the pavement shortcuts to the fastest flows
...painting all the traffic lights green as fields as we go-go and go
...we may aswell never have a pedal called brake
...its amazing how fast we can go
...when we sssshhhh the risks that we are shamelssly going to take

...faster faster go, where I am am destined I don't even know
...the words that i read are rumored to be places
...I don't see the tears, I barely see the faces tyres could be rimmed and sparking for all i care
...the only wordes I am accepting now is
..."Are we there?"

...There Are Only Us Two Here Now

...A beauty so pure that the eyes shalle not close
...a motion so fragile and defined, a poetic ballet her dance from the wings of this amazing theatre of being
...she will please fore she is more than day or nighte

...applause means nothing to her fore she is curled like a ball
...she is self-protecting now from the lovers hand so cruel
...will she be here in the morne or be in flighte to be gone? can we sing for her to stay with us when we have no voice?

...hands offered up as if to encircle in love and lighte
...a smile like a river flowing in the summer of sun
...the forest it sways with the winde that is undone
...the nature that speakes for all to hear
...I could not tred a step to far as it is fore'er near

...trusting, waiting and hoping that the trap does not exist
...the ones that are only two in number were free in sunsets gone step aside like an express train destined for others want the point of zero gravity you neither fly nor swim
...searching whilst living in a maze this dichtomy of state
...the higher I am scaling the lower I seem to rate

...there are only us two stoode here forever righte now
...the woman
...the man
...we falle apart and come together
...this unholy union
...for we are now both
...the patron saints of pain

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

...Fluffey Wrabbits (for Jane)

...what on earth?
...come and see
...a street full of rabbits
...all fluffey and free

...they wern't here yesterday
...nor on Thursday for sure you think that they escaped from the fluffey farm
...when they opened the back door?

...where are they going
...all boingey and boing?
...what are they saying?
...all doingey and doing?

...and what would then happen
...if they called by for tea
...and asked for my cookies
...and then all sat down next to me?

...I can't quite fathom this one through
...I suppose its quite insane
...and do you think if the Fluffey Police shooed them all away
...they all just boing-back again?

...Windowless Soul

...this is my horizon painted by my verrye hande
...this is the golden desert bereft of a graine of sande
...I look at the things that stare only awaye from my eye
...I live from the daye that I was borne onlye til the daye that I shoulde die

...outstretched and unwanted this crystal hande of fate
...inside the window in this room but outside of love nor hate
...a journeyless journey...a barrenless harbour
...distant the smiles may they be till the horizon entwines arounde these arms

...spherical miracle spin me, spin me wildly
...blurred and captured like a miasma of impossibilities body it screames, it talkes in a language unborne
...fold me and take me like a page torn from your bible

...I promise to seed this valley...and fille it with a thousand heartes
...channeling the purest raindrop...away from these moste wounded of parte
...envelope and consume with a desire moste ne'er fynde
...this animal, this verrye beast...comes untamed from another of tymes

...the landelocked island that encircles its own sea
...this tyme....the now to sail away from me

Friday, August 18, 2006

...Sunsetfields (for Ravenwolfhawk)

...Touche me, move me and caress me do
...Falle down the nighte and come into the lighte
...Dance like a fyre and float awaye now be
...There is no morrow when the flame it doth burn this intensely

...she is pure and white...her smiling feet that be bare
...she is parte of this unique magnificient picture
...whether it be starlighte-darque or bathed in midday-sunlighte
...she is to be founde here...fore she is bounde here

...she doesn't hear the earthesbeat...but she feels it and reels it alle in
...she simply is a parte of everything that is ever alle
...she crouches down to brushe a tiny flower
...deftly dancin through and smiling like the verrye golden sun

...she has velveteeen sails and sets a course for inner smiles
...she, she closes her sweet eyes...she counts to ten
...and goes back to her finest hour
...when sunflowers moved by faire summers hande

...this is one of her favourite fieldes
...where the blankets of green and yellow drape and grace
...the straighte-hande of the setting suns flame all but reache
...she peeks above a fallen tree and then is once more gone

...where did she travelle from to fynde me at this verrye tyme
...her head helde high in the natural skye
...spinning like dervishes across summerfieldes
...she will always make her way to here

...flowing in dress running like a waterfalle
...her unkempt hair taken on a blueskye breeze
...fore the wynde to touche and tangle this it muste
...a smile like the birds in flighte and her eyes alive with sounde

...she almost grows in this fine founde place
...a pathway she treds muche
...she helde my hande and offered me a walke
...who am I to decline heaven when it is seen?

...laye downe this velvet dawn
...its where she heard the angels in Sunsetfields

...I Am The Earthe

...You will stande before me as a childe, a man, and then juste bones
...You look up to me as I do down onto you
...I am of this earthe and am rooted to its verrye core
...To water this worlde is pour life on me four score

...When the summers they are dry..I am here
...When the wynters they are cutting to the bone fynde me thus
...As the birds and flowers rise see me in this aire
...Leaves they falle and crops are reaped I stille am here

...I tower and shadow yet am the life that is abound
...I am with my head in the clouds so high
...Tho' that my feet they claw into this verrye grounde
...You come to me yet ye do not knowe why?

...Come reach my lower limb and do climb my branches
...I stand so starkly as a silhouette of life
...So blackened against the crimson fyres 'cross these skyes
...Entwined in my outstretched arms are, planets, stars and sun

...I am your earthe, your god, your earthe, your skye

...Form An Orderly Kudos

...what I have in my hand is everything that is hope
...a clenched grasp fore to let it falle is tomorrows todaye
...holde it as one and claspe it till its laste breathe
...usher it aways from all eyes to see

...cashing in thoughts so a bank with no name
...reddened faced and so shy a face with not any shame
...guilty in a court of love and bestowed with utmoste blame
...heartes do burn asunder when it is touched by the hande of thee blacketse of flame

...dress me do in fabriques of the fineste clothe and cutte
...finishe it is what you are about to say...refrain to utter a but expanse of greene a vastness of being this daye
...fynde a way away from this waye

...leave this where it hangs and pack up all of thine pieces do me the duste for your steps and one print of your shoe
...a smyle and a touche then you are now to be gone
...I now feel as if I am me also too

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

...See The Blinde Man (for Kneya)

...where the gravestones line and face the dawn the mystes they rise and the face felle forlorn
...the flowers of true hope wilt and wain
...the lungs of the newborn fill out this stille aire

...who takes my place when the summer it has passed leave this mortal coil but not be seconde to laste
...when time it has run and breathe it now to cease body repossessed and souls passed to the ether-bailiff walks by and in the blink of the blind mans eye
...soaks like rain into a marketplace full of colour as life
...where doth she tred now the crowdes they are homed
...but the blinde man for alle time he saw where e'er she hath roamed

...where doth she tred blinde man, where shalle she now be?
...can thee foretell her midst e'en though ye cannot see?
...and when the seas they recede from those shores of thine meek
...then she of the beauty, it is then all ye her shalle seek

...she dances, she twyrls, she giveth you her verrye voice decisions they to be broken, no honour, no choice
...dig well your harvest for lifes wynters be longe
...she has endured many a drye year and become e'er strong

...but beauty itselfe is weakness and the eyes falle heavy to shut
...then, and only then unseer, shalle ye then succomb the forest to fyre and sky full of clear lighte
...she is the brightest of star, but onlye in your darqueste of nighte coulde you know what the scrolls they naughte foretelle?
...even though the kings men they did thenst falle
...when this verrye air filles with wordes and not sighte
...then it is my friende that you will see through your own unsighte

...what gift this foresight to see without the eye did thee acclaim such beauty the crowde did exort to crye
...this beauty of perception with no lighte hath doth it seen then this to be they did ask

...the blinde man spoke only in silence

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


...barcode me and shelve me thus and stamp me for the ensuing fuss
...meticulously hermetically seal me
...amongst the also rans and suche

...there was a choice, a day for contemplation
...when structures they stood before this disintergration
...what now for the scupltors hands that they reste
...what now for this ebbing hearte and shameless savage breast

...consumed by consuming, you lessen their worth
...goods that are for your home, from halfway arounde this earthe
...made by the sweat on brow of the young, the kept, the shadowed
...this class of their blood now had no worth appears that I am alright Jack, and all that is here is so well
...when the pendulum swings to your side then you'll jump to a brand new bell
...they like you, never thought that they'd see that day
...and remember that hunger, as ever, is only three meals away

Sunday, August 13, 2006


...I love you so much you feed me the seeds to myself I founde to be crying
...this space in a timesphere we created is now dying
...the higher the waves of acceptance they climb
...the less I seem to to be trying

...consumed by a dimension unknown and untapped logged and penned for an unfounde heartes map
...nothing to e'er to know things to hold so close as to let them go

...fireworks in my chest explode as if skye birthe to each feeling and hearing their crye
...I am in you and know that you are insyde of me
...these are the objects the eyes cannot e'er see


...come take this hande...tis only for ye
...I know so well that this is to be
...the rain may falle and the animals stille
...the streams meander an old mill so stille

...this dance, this dance of life
...and the music it plays so sweet
...out on the dancefloor out here
...we juste shuffle and move our feet embrace those notes and caress and twine become what they are and ourselves redefine
...from the underworld to its above
...this covers the obvious to the sublime

...and where to this journey of prose and theatre
...two roads to choose a choice to filter
...destiny to thine left?
...destiny to thee righte? way only to go...this choice will only be righte

...home where theres but love
...home where there are heartes
...home is a warm place
...the pain...may I leave this adrift many worlds aparte is a dance and melody becomes its soul
...the gardens beneath the blue skye above
...twyste and wrythe and fall and fly a language spoke wordes only but love

...I listen to our bodies torque
...the sounde of humans being

Thursday, August 10, 2006

...Cover My Eyes awake before me again and make your quiet way
...the sky turns away from the darque before
...onto the newer darqueblues paint your canvas elaborately yet sweet
...the colours you use are hues
...yet they are vivid, stark and abrupt

...I watch you go as the hours they slip ne'er seem to let them go use the lighte as best it can be founde

...cast some shadows as the day it grows tired
...lend some depth to the terrain you now creep o'er
...its time to tuck this one under the cover

Monday, August 07, 2006

...IF WORDES ARE SOUNDES…THEN SIGHTE IS TOUCH may as well be winter may as well be spring may as well be autumn
...I don't even feel one thing

...I could teach a child to learn this
...I could show you colours all
...I could hold the light to shine for thee
...but still I'd let you fall

...there is no god up here right now place for him to reste
...his chambers now are desolate
...this place, I know so beste

...where lifes wind flows untouched
...souls they dance and twine
...mirrors that show nothing here now eyes they are but blind


...Inner rush, I'm in a rush
...I've just dropped the clock upon the floor time to tell no more, no time at all
...I let it all go and the numbers they did falle

...the world its on pause and the days they are bemused
...and as for the weeks, months & years - yes they are soooo blimin' confused

...I didn't mean to do it - it was if it was planned
...that I cannot tell the minute from the bent and twisted hour hand

...what will I do now? And how would I know?
...if it was too early to leave here, or far too late now to go

...the days knife it has blunted, the portions they're so large
...and times horses they're circling they look set to charge

...I cannot decipher 'tween the now and the then
...I can't catch a train all the way up to Big Ben

...tomorrow will soon come and with it dawn-a-ready to race
...will I still be here, or stuck in that yesterday place?

...numbers they numbed me and digits they itched
...I put them all back on the clockface, but they just would not seem to fit

...the hands now they move naughte, the division lines they've blurred
...I really do not know whether I'm coming or going or have already been there but returned

...I knew where I was, when the hands swept pass that face
...I knew where I was meant to be at any one time in space its just silent and things seem so verrye long
...but I kinda've got to like it this way, it really does not seeme that wrong


...wind fille my sails and set unto thine seas
...leave this lande behinde now
...feel the waters rise me up and free
...just us two for now is all that does matter galley slave my love, no map that to read
...there are thine stars above me fore all is that to see
...two shades of lighte, one reason to be
...seperating myself from a landlocked travesty

...out here is everything, nothing to see shape or form that can e'er harm me
...the pageantry of the bluest skies in times of fair
...the beauty of its heavenley anger with tumult and despayre

...belongings needeth naughte, no reason to hold them so deare now
...leaving them I muste and all is to juste go stow awaye and jettison the past like a port of call
...the sea be so flat yet encircles us all

...take my hand and lead me away will ye?
...caress my thoughts and nuture their meanings
...hold me tight and ne'er be seen to let me free
...for where I am set to is where I shall therefore to be


...come step insyde and join the flow
...insyde this myriad of the never ever know
...come taste the things that couldever be
...samples of the worlde that revolves around me

...join the flow wherever you decide
...let its power and beauty within you ride
...opening your soul with doors flung so wide
...lighte up your fyres and sit down besyde

...this worlde which is only eyes in a world without sighte
...turning on your conscience but turning off their lighte
...womb-like and untainted forever you will be
...this is the dream deep insyde of reality

...white-waters charge here speeding on through
...their power and intensity is neither me nor you
...staying fore'ver here is the darqueste of sin
...exiting by the link you broke when you were coming in


...raise your hands up to the god of your minde
...raise up your intellect and see what there is to unfynde
...empower your self and not the god that you feede
...cutting away your crucifix and your Jesu will ne'er bleed

...pious deity never trespassed to the blackeste of prisons
...eternal fields to explore in an open minded lande
...dissection of type and factions to believe for
...warring, famine and hatred all sit at your door see your invisible friend is to believe that he will return
...if he ever did, then it is you my friend he will burn live your version of what you think he would be
...but your life that you lead, through his eyes woulde ne'er see take up arms and displace humans much like you ciphon away aid and food, until this greed absorbs you will justify anything as long it gets you what you feel you need
...and the you and I and me's of this worlde
...will coldly, die, in pain and bleed

...what for your religions?
...what winds do they seek?
...what power and glory you fight for
...trampled underfoot...the meek
...a hypocrisy of form, a plaster full of pain
...a planet so beautiful and heavenley
...pours itself down your drain

...all it takes is understanding
...a thought from the other side
...all it means is for you to be wrong
...once in a fucking blue moon
...all it would mean is that we respect what others may be
...all this would create is
...a peaceful destiny have grown long in your bitter teeth dentist would welcome you in
...your intellect is so distant
...recently it has not been seen did what your dad did yesterday
...and you will find that he, too did the same
...apportioning justification for actions so shallow unblamed read your manuals for life - they dictate for you to live
...the Koran the bible et al, your brain becomes much like a sieve freedom of thought, of life of breathing on earthe
...inviting pain suffering and misery along in such a large dearth

...where now the peaceful dove she flies o'er yonder away
...I too seek to fly with her more and more each daye a place untouched by scribes who perpetuate this hate
...a world with peace, held back behind a religious door

...EMPTY OF ACCIDENTS save you is my all
...fore to trip, is to falle fragile and pure a flower not yet in bloom
...I loved you from afar in the smallest of rooms

...we knew this would ne'er to be, ne'er to laste saw no future, I saw no past

...shoot me, and kill this love that i am
...I will care for you whether you do or not give a damn steer you away from all that is harm
...I offer you the safety within my two arms

...this love out of bounds, within the outside of words know what it is, what it is that you have heard lay beside you being and see that you want
...the very thing given to you, that was stole from you at birth

...I watched you evovle into something of beauty
...there were no faults, no way they could have touched thee
...I sought to be your teacher, your guru, your god
...but now all those classes are over for good

...the hands that did touch me, were sent from above your own naive manner they came to me of love held that deepest of breaths and felt that it was right
...this feeling of skin games in the longest of nightes

...if thine eyes were a fountain, what tales they woulde speake
...if memories were currency, then riches you sell'er to connect with a one so pure of love
...founde in the quietest of places

...I held you from pain and stopped you from blood
...I took you from tears, sent to places of good
...when your body would fall I would simply be there cup your sweet being and be full of care


...I wrote this line in italics
...just so that you would look
...I kept every worde you ever said
...and wrote it in a booke

...I saved up my money so long, and so hard
...ready to spend it all upon you
...I bathed, then shaved and then wore my nice suit
...but you spent your time laughing at the monkeys in the zoo

...I sent you a romantic love-present received it on the totally wrong day
...I was doing my very best dancing
...when you were looking the other way

...I wish you could love me for who I appear to be
...I wish I could somehow, sometimes, be someone who just is not me
...I know that you too know this, and wish for it so badly too
...I know that I realised this far too late
...As I feed the monkeys back at the zoo


...I'm looking and hoping that you too are looking
...He doesn't check her out although she does him
...Neither of them are who they are
...yet both of them are exactly the same

...You can see him and her yet they do not see each other
...They do not see you as there simply is no other
...He is someones son yet she is someones mother
...They both have their loves in their lives yet each have no other

...He couldn't be, no way jose
...She is never going to walk my way
...The places they go is the places they are
...They gaze at the moon and wish upon the verrye same star

...Could it be so perfect in time?
...Could it be that every line would juste rhyme?
...Could it also be so sad and contrived
...That the verrye destiny they both sought
...They had at, already arrived

...The grass is greener on the other side they said
...They said it at the same time
...When they spoke these words they knew that the truth
...That they both stood upon that verrye line

...It divided the now, the then, the to be
...It decided the witnessed, the seen and the to see
...It compounded their thoughts, their aims their dreams
...Destiny would take them there now by their own verrye means

...Who could have foreseen such a heavenely theatre?
...What man would have given his hearte?
...What Queen would have stolen her own jewels
...What King would have to now depart?

...This garden of aesthetics
...This apothecary of elixirs
...This concoction of imagery
...This magma of creation

...Destroying this creation we created to destroy
...Laughing into the faces of adversity
...When we should be kneeling before nirvana
...This mantra of confusion that meanders unwritten by all

...Oh sun god shine, oh sun god shine
...As it sets in crimson, reds and fawn
...The grass is greener on the moon now
...And its time I mowed that lawn


...swelling up like a demon before me
...white and frothing come to me please
...pounding at my verrye feet do
...this sounds emanates from the core of me and you

...booming and wildly thrashing over me
...merging with inner insydes
...parting me from this world and making me theirs
...flowing through every soul port

...never ceasing, eternally chasing
...the dog will bark as the waves come and come
...this cove of seclusion without your intrusion
...a golden crescent of peace and white its deep yet its lighte fresh its sssssssssings on the sands
...the rocks stop it naughte
...and time lose no sleep
...fore it will be this way forevermore

...under its arcs
...raging and curls
...unchastened and free
...clear as a bell

...pure and alive
...natural as breath
...touch like a crystal
...this whitened tongue of life

…THE CATCHER IN THE RYE is the catcher in rye is the sting in the tail is the hand that bites is the clowns real emotions is the clouds that shield my sun is the maze in which we all run is a sea, a sea that sets us adrift is this miasma, the highest of cliff
...face to face with a faceless fear
...there is also an attraction in this being so near want to be far from the closest that this is hand in your hand, they both begin to twyste
...come dance within the fyre, this fyre that will consume
...feel youre verrye bone wilt warp and succomb
...a driverless journey withe a destination not knowne
...a honeyless bee on its way to its drone
...coulde it be that this were ne'er here? far to the edge, the edge of our feare? be in your eye and see this greate heighte
...this eternal dance, this eternal nighte


...falling and twysting
...contorting to form till death till we are borne

...confusing this tyme
...fore it is all then
...tomorrow may dawn yesterdays last breath

...locked into patterns
...cyclic and torn
...remember those tymes
...before we were born?

...standing in crowdes
...always alone
...I am the skin
...insyde of your bones

...fragile like porcelain
...thrown from a hand
...I'll scatter and fragment
...across this jagged land

...see me in pieces
...shardes of my soul
...remember me this way
...remember me whole


....I hear the sound and look to see
....from just where this sound shoulde be eyes are not ears and they cannot see
....I hear only what the eye surely sees

....strike and aim and target ones prey a bear lays dying in its home for that day
....the grief and yet joy in a moment of life
....all goes unnoticed as the time goes by

....light moves in a straighte line never to curve
....the moon mirror of that back to this earthe
....half of it seen yet half of it is loste is that half forever hidden
....that I seek the moste

…DEFY ME stande alone for once on this precipice uncarved block with no reason to shape myself
...there may be a river to cross, but for now
...all I see is an ocean to sail

...aptitude of mental thought
...reformalisation of inner being
...attention to detail may flaw the biggest of pictures
...but it depends on what gallery is seen
...and what your eyes, your eyes will hold true

...does a flower know?
...does the wild deer creep?
...when the snow doth melt
...does this silence sleep?

...for where now my hearte? there a taken place?
...between all that is lighte this thee darqueste of place?


...The green was bare and the trees stood silent
...the space was reserved for the arrival of excitement
...soon the air would be filled with colour and vibrance
...with slapstick and dust and loud music present

...children moved as if projected by emotion
...adults, too lessened their expected reaction
...this pointed of places that moved in amongst its wind a time, in a place, in a moment of life

...this handful of youth - this fist of amazement
...this carousel of smiling with sideshows of laughter many new faces painted on the old faces of before
...I'll leave by the entrance its the self-same door

...rolling forever on - to leave is to come
...I know when this circus leaves town
...a tear will forever falle


...looking back I knew my future would be like this
...visualising its repetition that I too allow
...contemplating all that is to be regret
...regretting all that is gone and passed

...a leave is turned and an autumn wells forth
...the pages they blow and lifes dust falls away long this day, how long it seemes
...for where now the jesters tears to go?

...a tale of 2 cities both of them cloaked in duste
...a journey to take, we all surely muste to teach, to hold to unfurl
...eyes that widen while thee horizons they do narrow

...bathing in bitterness whilst sipping loves straw
...seeing the sunset with a storm at your verye doore
...hands they are now rung into a knot of grief
...for a woman I never knew


...hold this one its a biggun'
...grab the dreame with both hands and hope
...that your wishes and desire chokes it not

…LEAVES IN THE RAIN be yourself and speak as suche
...knowing that you are all that you touche
...caressing with eyes that encompass and hold
...turning the caste aside and brushing them as golde

...where? - a question, a question that wants
...its need is to know, to know what it seeks leave is to stay - but to stay is to go
...wherever I am I know that it is so

...when the skies do fille and roar as if in anger
...distant birds do disappear ne'er to be seene again
...out of reach of the sermon this Sunday noone
...the childe that is borne that of the silver spoone stand on this earthe and question it all fly with your inner lighte into the darqueste of storme know like an explorer that to go on is juste
...when the earthe moves on - the here I am and staye I muste

...the river its weak and the rays erode its life
...the picnic of being - set out without a knife
...unsureness clothes me for a summers afternoone
...wynter be to come and i'll be naked so soone
...wynter she shalle come and render me naked so soone

…and like a storm – that leaves in the rain
…winter she comes like leaves in the rain
…see him go as he leaves in the rain


...thee view from up here has silenced thee wynde
...yet I am beside you down where you lay
...the reason that the distance between us the same reason I cannot stay

...I have seen the moon, the stars, the skies sight is my mouth in a view with no eyes
...fore ugliness cannot be seen with thine eyes is felt, then touched by the beat of youre hearte


...all that I ask to recieve what I have given to thee

...all that is sought is the mirroring of all reflect the self same image that you see of me

...all that I am left with is a handful of duste
...all that you dealt me were those seeds for the driest of yeares

...the horizon you drew was nearing, ever nearing withe each step that we took
...the further on that we journeyed - the more distante it seemed to become to see you disappear into the sunsets of tyme
...on a journey of one...when your tongue told of two


....if if was a question
would would be enough as the answer?