Monday, August 07, 2006

…THE CATCHER IN THE RYE is the catcher in rye is the sting in the tail is the hand that bites is the clowns real emotions is the clouds that shield my sun is the maze in which we all run is a sea, a sea that sets us adrift is this miasma, the highest of cliff
...face to face with a faceless fear
...there is also an attraction in this being so near want to be far from the closest that this is hand in your hand, they both begin to twyste
...come dance within the fyre, this fyre that will consume
...feel youre verrye bone wilt warp and succomb
...a driverless journey withe a destination not knowne
...a honeyless bee on its way to its drone
...coulde it be that this were ne'er here? far to the edge, the edge of our feare? be in your eye and see this greate heighte
...this eternal dance, this eternal nighte


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