Monday, August 07, 2006

…LEAVES IN THE RAIN be yourself and speak as suche
...knowing that you are all that you touche
...caressing with eyes that encompass and hold
...turning the caste aside and brushing them as golde

...where? - a question, a question that wants
...its need is to know, to know what it seeks leave is to stay - but to stay is to go
...wherever I am I know that it is so

...when the skies do fille and roar as if in anger
...distant birds do disappear ne'er to be seene again
...out of reach of the sermon this Sunday noone
...the childe that is borne that of the silver spoone stand on this earthe and question it all fly with your inner lighte into the darqueste of storme know like an explorer that to go on is juste
...when the earthe moves on - the here I am and staye I muste

...the river its weak and the rays erode its life
...the picnic of being - set out without a knife
...unsureness clothes me for a summers afternoone
...wynter be to come and i'll be naked so soone
...wynter she shalle come and render me naked so soone

…and like a storm – that leaves in the rain
…winter she comes like leaves in the rain
…see him go as he leaves in the rain


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