Monday, August 07, 2006

...EMPTY OF ACCIDENTS save you is my all
...fore to trip, is to falle fragile and pure a flower not yet in bloom
...I loved you from afar in the smallest of rooms

...we knew this would ne'er to be, ne'er to laste saw no future, I saw no past

...shoot me, and kill this love that i am
...I will care for you whether you do or not give a damn steer you away from all that is harm
...I offer you the safety within my two arms

...this love out of bounds, within the outside of words know what it is, what it is that you have heard lay beside you being and see that you want
...the very thing given to you, that was stole from you at birth

...I watched you evovle into something of beauty
...there were no faults, no way they could have touched thee
...I sought to be your teacher, your guru, your god
...but now all those classes are over for good

...the hands that did touch me, were sent from above your own naive manner they came to me of love held that deepest of breaths and felt that it was right
...this feeling of skin games in the longest of nightes

...if thine eyes were a fountain, what tales they woulde speake
...if memories were currency, then riches you sell'er to connect with a one so pure of love
...founde in the quietest of places

...I held you from pain and stopped you from blood
...I took you from tears, sent to places of good
...when your body would fall I would simply be there cup your sweet being and be full of care


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