Monday, August 07, 2006


...I'm looking and hoping that you too are looking
...He doesn't check her out although she does him
...Neither of them are who they are
...yet both of them are exactly the same

...You can see him and her yet they do not see each other
...They do not see you as there simply is no other
...He is someones son yet she is someones mother
...They both have their loves in their lives yet each have no other

...He couldn't be, no way jose
...She is never going to walk my way
...The places they go is the places they are
...They gaze at the moon and wish upon the verrye same star

...Could it be so perfect in time?
...Could it be that every line would juste rhyme?
...Could it also be so sad and contrived
...That the verrye destiny they both sought
...They had at, already arrived

...The grass is greener on the other side they said
...They said it at the same time
...When they spoke these words they knew that the truth
...That they both stood upon that verrye line

...It divided the now, the then, the to be
...It decided the witnessed, the seen and the to see
...It compounded their thoughts, their aims their dreams
...Destiny would take them there now by their own verrye means

...Who could have foreseen such a heavenely theatre?
...What man would have given his hearte?
...What Queen would have stolen her own jewels
...What King would have to now depart?

...This garden of aesthetics
...This apothecary of elixirs
...This concoction of imagery
...This magma of creation

...Destroying this creation we created to destroy
...Laughing into the faces of adversity
...When we should be kneeling before nirvana
...This mantra of confusion that meanders unwritten by all

...Oh sun god shine, oh sun god shine
...As it sets in crimson, reds and fawn
...The grass is greener on the moon now
...And its time I mowed that lawn


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