Monday, August 07, 2006


...swelling up like a demon before me
...white and frothing come to me please
...pounding at my verrye feet do
...this sounds emanates from the core of me and you

...booming and wildly thrashing over me
...merging with inner insydes
...parting me from this world and making me theirs
...flowing through every soul port

...never ceasing, eternally chasing
...the dog will bark as the waves come and come
...this cove of seclusion without your intrusion
...a golden crescent of peace and white its deep yet its lighte fresh its sssssssssings on the sands
...the rocks stop it naughte
...and time lose no sleep
...fore it will be this way forevermore

...under its arcs
...raging and curls
...unchastened and free
...clear as a bell

...pure and alive
...natural as breath
...touch like a crystal
...this whitened tongue of life


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