Friday, August 18, 2006

...Form An Orderly Kudos

...what I have in my hand is everything that is hope
...a clenched grasp fore to let it falle is tomorrows todaye
...holde it as one and claspe it till its laste breathe
...usher it aways from all eyes to see

...cashing in thoughts so a bank with no name
...reddened faced and so shy a face with not any shame
...guilty in a court of love and bestowed with utmoste blame
...heartes do burn asunder when it is touched by the hande of thee blacketse of flame

...dress me do in fabriques of the fineste clothe and cutte
...finishe it is what you are about to say...refrain to utter a but expanse of greene a vastness of being this daye
...fynde a way away from this waye

...leave this where it hangs and pack up all of thine pieces do me the duste for your steps and one print of your shoe
...a smyle and a touche then you are now to be gone
...I now feel as if I am me also too


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