Wednesday, August 16, 2006

...See The Blinde Man (for Kneya)

...where the gravestones line and face the dawn the mystes they rise and the face felle forlorn
...the flowers of true hope wilt and wain
...the lungs of the newborn fill out this stille aire

...who takes my place when the summer it has passed leave this mortal coil but not be seconde to laste
...when time it has run and breathe it now to cease body repossessed and souls passed to the ether-bailiff walks by and in the blink of the blind mans eye
...soaks like rain into a marketplace full of colour as life
...where doth she tred now the crowdes they are homed
...but the blinde man for alle time he saw where e'er she hath roamed

...where doth she tred blinde man, where shalle she now be?
...can thee foretell her midst e'en though ye cannot see?
...and when the seas they recede from those shores of thine meek
...then she of the beauty, it is then all ye her shalle seek

...she dances, she twyrls, she giveth you her verrye voice decisions they to be broken, no honour, no choice
...dig well your harvest for lifes wynters be longe
...she has endured many a drye year and become e'er strong

...but beauty itselfe is weakness and the eyes falle heavy to shut
...then, and only then unseer, shalle ye then succomb the forest to fyre and sky full of clear lighte
...she is the brightest of star, but onlye in your darqueste of nighte coulde you know what the scrolls they naughte foretelle?
...even though the kings men they did thenst falle
...when this verrye air filles with wordes and not sighte
...then it is my friende that you will see through your own unsighte

...what gift this foresight to see without the eye did thee acclaim such beauty the crowde did exort to crye
...this beauty of perception with no lighte hath doth it seen then this to be they did ask

...the blinde man spoke only in silence


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...yes,I am looking at You,The Blind Man,me,Kneya,feeling "provo-
ked",reply thee:


While watching all these early buds and swallows,
I can feel tonight
that my heart’s slowly growing over sorrows
as someone’s horizon on smiley days might;

That it’s getting bigger like all plants around
and as light as feather,
and that all happiness that’s above the ground
and a Hell of pain wouldn’t really matter:

It’s longing for all things that a life as such
could give nice to thy,
and completely nothing wouldn’t be too much--
it’s eager desire and hopes are so high.

Everything that’s happened has been just a play
of my heart on fire;
my true love has never been given away
as much as I could and as I desire;

There are, in my deeps, gentle tides of words
never let outside;
I could give my heart to everyone on worlds,
yet, it would remain a lot of it inside.

August 17, 2006 11:32 AM  
Blogger A-Station-With-No-Name said...

Empty Plates shown nothing
...unless there are cake smears on them
Cake is a god-like invention unparelleled on this plane-plain-plane.
Inside of us all there is another person - and that person IS THE PERSON WE ARE
No-one woulde know Kneya
How coulde we evere lay our souls bare for all to caste eyes upon?
It would be like a vampyre at dawn staying up to serve you Cornflakes in blood - its juste now going to happen.
Somedays we just do the beste we can - and some days we do that everyday instead.
If we are true to ourselves then we shall reap a harvest untolde
..get seeding and you may see springs bounty one dawn over a golden and crimson horizon.
I hope, for me, you do
(A Station-With-No-Brain-I-Mean name!)

August 24, 2006 10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...I do seed, Anthony, inspite of everything, for I have no time for hesitations or fears.
I feel, somehow, that you do the same,and...I think that I can see your profile in these words:

...A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive. To him a touch is a blow, a sound is a noise, a misfortune is a tragedy, a joy is an ecstasy, a friend is a lover, a lover is a god, and failure is death. Add to this cruelly delicate organism the overpowering necessity to create, create, that without the creating of music or poetry or books or buildings or something of meaning, his very breath is cut off from him. He must create, must pour out creation. By some strange, unknown inward urgency he is not really alive unless he is creating. -Pearl Buck-

A-Vampire-at-Dawn >>smiling<<

August 26, 2006 3:48 AM  
Blogger A-Station-With-No-Name said...

Wow again Kneya....if you didn't know me before then you do now and this is very interesting (slight reprise) a mirror you hold for me to see the man I know i am and spelling out in wordes the inside that one I presumed, coulde not be seen. A doctorate of the map of the human hearte Kneya.
I am learning from you now

-x-(wow thats a pretty beautiful planet you got there)

August 26, 2006 12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good night, dear man, with a tender smile...I told you that, at the glance, while reading your profile, I had a feeling that I knew you from I am sure I do.

August 26, 2006 1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...tired of too many wise words, useless thoughts, running in circles, blinded, almost trapped in a labyrinth of a dumb routine, I take of my skin, my hopes, my sorrows and joys, becoming nothing but the stardust.
Eternal vibration of life whispers through the elements. Sounds as a blessing, falling gently on my soul:
"Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep peace of the infinite peace to you."
... Anthony, to you, for your dear birthday... and for everybody else who enters this small world of words.

August 31, 2006 11:15 AM  

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