Monday, August 07, 2006


...raise your hands up to the god of your minde
...raise up your intellect and see what there is to unfynde
...empower your self and not the god that you feede
...cutting away your crucifix and your Jesu will ne'er bleed

...pious deity never trespassed to the blackeste of prisons
...eternal fields to explore in an open minded lande
...dissection of type and factions to believe for
...warring, famine and hatred all sit at your door see your invisible friend is to believe that he will return
...if he ever did, then it is you my friend he will burn live your version of what you think he would be
...but your life that you lead, through his eyes woulde ne'er see take up arms and displace humans much like you ciphon away aid and food, until this greed absorbs you will justify anything as long it gets you what you feel you need
...and the you and I and me's of this worlde
...will coldly, die, in pain and bleed

...what for your religions?
...what winds do they seek?
...what power and glory you fight for
...trampled underfoot...the meek
...a hypocrisy of form, a plaster full of pain
...a planet so beautiful and heavenley
...pours itself down your drain

...all it takes is understanding
...a thought from the other side
...all it means is for you to be wrong
...once in a fucking blue moon
...all it would mean is that we respect what others may be
...all this would create is
...a peaceful destiny have grown long in your bitter teeth dentist would welcome you in
...your intellect is so distant
...recently it has not been seen did what your dad did yesterday
...and you will find that he, too did the same
...apportioning justification for actions so shallow unblamed read your manuals for life - they dictate for you to live
...the Koran the bible et al, your brain becomes much like a sieve freedom of thought, of life of breathing on earthe
...inviting pain suffering and misery along in such a large dearth

...where now the peaceful dove she flies o'er yonder away
...I too seek to fly with her more and more each daye a place untouched by scribes who perpetuate this hate
...a world with peace, held back behind a religious door


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