Sunday, August 13, 2006


...come take this hande...tis only for ye
...I know so well that this is to be
...the rain may falle and the animals stille
...the streams meander an old mill so stille

...this dance, this dance of life
...and the music it plays so sweet
...out on the dancefloor out here
...we juste shuffle and move our feet embrace those notes and caress and twine become what they are and ourselves redefine
...from the underworld to its above
...this covers the obvious to the sublime

...and where to this journey of prose and theatre
...two roads to choose a choice to filter
...destiny to thine left?
...destiny to thee righte? way only to go...this choice will only be righte

...home where theres but love
...home where there are heartes
...home is a warm place
...the pain...may I leave this adrift many worlds aparte is a dance and melody becomes its soul
...the gardens beneath the blue skye above
...twyste and wrythe and fall and fly a language spoke wordes only but love

...I listen to our bodies torque
...the sounde of humans being


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, dear man. I am honoured.
And,I reply:
"Two glowing portions of the Life Spirit,
a touch of two hearts,
of two souls,
more than a touch of lips -
more than a kiss."

August 15, 2006 10:13 AM  
Blogger A-Station-With-No-Name said...

Its a little deeper yes than "Hello we a re similar aren't we"
This is nourishment for lifes journey indeed
I feel empowered by similarities and thats a driving force for all to succeed in pursuing Kneya.
You are my fuel for life
This can only be goode
Keep on keepin' on

August 24, 2006 11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aug,26 2006
my-little-piece-of-Heaven, all bright and smiling after the rage of tunderstorm

Read your comment, feeling honoured again.

My intentions were just of that kind, because (as another beautiful poet says):

" You are me, and I am you.
Isn't it obvious that we "inter-are"?
You cultivate the flower in yourself,
so that I will be beautiful.
I transform the garbage in myself,
so that you will not have to suffer.

I support you;
you support me.
I am in this world to offer you peace;
you are in this world to bring me joy."

Yes, I surely will keep on keeping... until some fatal non-similarity.

August 26, 2006 3:05 AM  
Blogger A-Station-With-No-Name said...

Beautiful again, you pour out beauty Kneya
"...matching matches and striking lights in a confined space with raw emotions going up like flames..are they burned or are they burning?"

(Wow - thats a pretty beautiful planet you got there)

August 26, 2006 12:35 PM  

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