Thursday, August 24, 2006

...There Are Only Us Two Here Now

...A beauty so pure that the eyes shalle not close
...a motion so fragile and defined, a poetic ballet her dance from the wings of this amazing theatre of being
...she will please fore she is more than day or nighte

...applause means nothing to her fore she is curled like a ball
...she is self-protecting now from the lovers hand so cruel
...will she be here in the morne or be in flighte to be gone? can we sing for her to stay with us when we have no voice?

...hands offered up as if to encircle in love and lighte
...a smile like a river flowing in the summer of sun
...the forest it sways with the winde that is undone
...the nature that speakes for all to hear
...I could not tred a step to far as it is fore'er near

...trusting, waiting and hoping that the trap does not exist
...the ones that are only two in number were free in sunsets gone step aside like an express train destined for others want the point of zero gravity you neither fly nor swim
...searching whilst living in a maze this dichtomy of state
...the higher I am scaling the lower I seem to rate

...there are only us two stoode here forever righte now
...the woman
...the man
...we falle apart and come together
...this unholy union
...for we are now both
...the patron saints of pain


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Am The Escaped One
"...After I was born,
They locked me up inside me
But I left.
My soul seeks me,
Through hills and valleys
I hope my soul
Never finds me."

September 02, 2006 12:48 PM  

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