Tuesday, August 22, 2006

...Fluffey Wrabbits (for Jane)

...what on earth?
...come and see
...a street full of rabbits
...all fluffey and free

...they wern't here yesterday
...nor on Thursday for sure
...do you think that they escaped from the fluffey farm
...when they opened the back door?

...where are they going
...all boingey and boing?
...what are they saying?
...all doingey and doing?

...and what would then happen
...if they called by for tea
...and asked for my cookies
...and then all sat down next to me?

...I can't quite fathom this one through
...I suppose its quite insane
...and do you think if the Fluffey Police shooed them all away
...they all just boing-back again?


Blogger sitsonchair said...

*sings* little bunny foo-foo i don't want to see you hoping through the field and bopping them on the head.........

August 24, 2006 8:44 AM  
Blogger A-Station-With-No-Name said...

They (the fluffey-buzzneez) have learned to tip-toe so now the bunnies are tiptoingeying along and thus far the Fluffey-Police are at a complete loss as how to remedy this show of brazen urban Bunney-Anarchy...Keep 'em peeled

Bill The Magic Bunney

August 24, 2006 10:54 AM  

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