Friday, August 18, 2006

...I Am The Earthe

...You will stande before me as a childe, a man, and then juste bones
...You look up to me as I do down onto you
...I am of this earthe and am rooted to its verrye core
...To water this worlde is pour life on me four score

...When the summers they are dry..I am here
...When the wynters they are cutting to the bone fynde me thus
...As the birds and flowers rise see me in this aire
...Leaves they falle and crops are reaped I stille am here

...I tower and shadow yet am the life that is abound
...I am with my head in the clouds so high
...Tho' that my feet they claw into this verrye grounde
...You come to me yet ye do not knowe why?

...Come reach my lower limb and do climb my branches
...I stand so starkly as a silhouette of life
...So blackened against the crimson fyres 'cross these skyes
...Entwined in my outstretched arms are, planets, stars and sun

...I am your earthe, your god, your earthe, your skye


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