Saturday, September 30, 2006

...Harvester Of Duste

Opposites-A-Tractor so they say


...The owl looks unsure this tumultuos eve
...the barn comes alive with white
...the wynde goes on through the place of its reste die in the coming of dayes

...ghost tractors plough the seeds of the loste
...again, and again, and again
...cross these fieldes of the earthen and the scarred
...through the frost, and the sun, and the rain

...they'll see not their harvest that come from hearte not hande they travel away into noughte
...the owl sees it all yet silently observes
...because to fly away he knows he can't

...these lines into lande, like fingers on flesh
...touched...and tortured...then left
...turned over and over with nothing to hide
...with something to hold I am bereft

...cut me into squares and divide me at will
...your measures are your ill gotten gaine leave me when the snows they do come
...silent in my darque and in pain

...solitude stands by my side fore'er always
...the crow perched onto a shoulder have broken my will and cut me so deep
...I'll churn your plough into a boulder

...take me and use me for all I am worth
...then leave me for your evening fyre
...the owl and myself are sisters out here
...with the earth, our thoughts and desyres

Friday, September 29, 2006

...E's Sharp For A Flat Minor

Speak Keysie

...Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before

...It feels like a madwomans playing the xylophone on my teeth
...I seem to be able at will to impersonate Edward Heath
...the walls are moving and swaying like the curtains used to do
...shortly before I painted them red and covered them with tiramisu

...cavorting in whirles circular and frantic
...I have seemed to abandoned the stale and the pedantic
...harlequin and rainbows shine all arounde
...this is an always place I will always want to be founde

...every room seems to have a life of its own
...I walk from one to another to amazingly finde that I have somehow grown
...dimensions are stuck together with the slightest of thought
...I wish I'd kept my dream-receipt from the shop where this was bought


...Caste me a glare, a mirroring imagery
...feed me another of your tastiest high-insecuriteas
...angle me your best shot searching for obtuse
...reeling in the pleasures that reely are of no use

...seeing is believing, but I still do not believe
...that believing that what I am seeing has held no dawn reprieve
...I glance to my left, he seems to do that too
...but only to my left he glances as its his right-full view

...this worlde of the eye, what for the the non-sighted? came crashing through the veils to me unannounced and uninvited a pair of fighting cats we seek to see them move stille as can be I await a movement that will ultimately disprove

...if I don't agree with what I see, I can always turn down the lightes
...if I want not to hear those wordes, I will wander from your sighte
...staring silently through the most loaded of self-critical of air
...this is where I am to be founde now, this my self-made angry chair

...the last mile, the longest of walks
...the last of my wordes, the briefest of talks
...I touched you deep, the deepest you will e'er be
...and after all of this I barely resemble the unknown me

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

...Line To Myself Again missed the last train to me

...Train Of Thought

...If I took you to a station with no name
...and covered your eyes with, with these hands of no shame the stillness of this nighte and with all the time we e'er coulde want
...which direction would you choose your train to approach
...and which direction it then would have to depart?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

...Today The Traffic Lights Turned Blue

...Lights, Camera, Reaction

...Lighte Side Of The Sun

...Woulde I be the seventh wave across your sandes that fill the footprints of your steps on this hallowed moonlit nighte?
...Coulde I hope to be the thoughts under your eyes on every waking morne?
...Shoulde you venture far and wide from the flowers that you sewed in spring?
...Will you fondly recollect the wordes and tymes we shared and all we saide and done?
...If I was to tame these wordes that fly so free arounde the outside of the worlde insyde my swelling hearte?
...Woulde I, Coulde I, Shoulde I serve them by a caressed hande upon a breeze of velveteen and sende them onlye to you?

Monday, September 25, 2006


...The doors remain unmoved by it all
...the house lightes they blink and thus close wordes or prosaic tomes to imparte
...the autocue does not stop - but merely slows

...the sounde of the heavens
...are heavy and laden with nighte cannot see the leading lady juste the shadow of her stagefrighte

...t'was to be the final play
...the one where she falles into those arms
...fluttering eyes like summer byrdes in flighte
...ride high on that sea of charm hush now heard, even that seems deathly colde wordes or actions to the fore
...those emotions now not so bolde

...this buildings hearte beats darque and slow
...where now these lines
...when they have no home fore to go

...characters of cloth just hang like darque skies reflective tearful eyes
...that stare up from the endless seats search of their greatest reprise

...each one a life, a time
...they lived for the moments you gave
...they hung their hopes on your every worde you dug them so deeply into a grave

...tread softly my childe
...begone with wynde unhearde solitude and forgiveness
...take flighte this moste grotesque of birde

...leave only the feeling, the pureness that cast
...hope that for all time now
...these wordes they surely must laste

...a seat upturned, a shimmering flare of duste empty house but one tonight
...this curtain call of truste ovation , no bow beckoning smile
...there is but everything that shoulde be here
...this walk - the loneliest mile much to say, but so muche left unsaid
...court your Jester on a daye when you are wed cloakened and kept, lock'd safe til you'll know
...just like your shadow caste
...across an unplayed piano

Sunday, September 24, 2006

...Central (London) Eating

...No animals were hurt during the making of this photograph

...And Now The Full-Time Classified Fateball Results

...What a match...but not made in heaven
...rumour has it that they there may be more than 7eaven
...a won-sided match if never there wasn't one
...but the worlde came to watch and hung-up their own breath like an unworn coat

...two sides to cheer...the straight the queer
...the black the white
...the darque and the lighte
...the futures not orange
...the futures not brighte
...the weak are always to be found
...puppeteering their might

...two ends two goals - one object, to win dispose of the other and paint on your grin
...who'd a thought it'd come righte down to this
...a devils advocate and a devils accomplice the righte we have God - resplendoured in blacke
...and to my left sighte your devil berobed in white apparel attack win is only all - there is no psyche that envelopes to falle
...there is no referee, no judgement, no need the truimphant will cure this worlde and the beaten may they bleede

...a whistle so deafening it counts down this cherished last time the end of these 90 minutes one deity must then refrain

...a tantalising, mouthwatering fixture of fate
...almost as rewarding as finding out that Cilla is your blind date
...the best form of attack is the last line of defence
...all around the touchlines the intelligent makethed nonsennes goals are scored for fear of defeat
...a carnivores banquet without any meat
...there will be no anything to lose is to duste
...the victor will reign supreme and score a goal they muste

...0-0 and blankened the scoreboard stays silent
...although God collected a yellow card for unfair-play deemed violent
...Satan was up to his old tricks going down when he should've stayed up
...and mentioning during a missed penalty that he charred the last team he beat in the global whirled cup

...but God was unfazed by this, it only seemed to spur him on
...but Lordey-dawdey he missed a gifted sitter with 89 minutes gone
...the three-wise men dropped their heads in shame and Mary hailed once more
...What a sighte it was to behold, Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh strewn all over the floor

...Satans legions burnt the away end to a cinder
...but then skewed an open goal chance wide an out-of-his-box defender

...the scoreboard read 90 and the time was all but Satan and God were the now the same
...their biblical efforts to oust one another failed to seperate them in this game
...but like a twyste in a tale and the corkscrew of fate
...there was to be a fateful strike never too early and never too late last incisory poetical movement of form
...and so then silence befelle this moste hallowed of ground
...yes my friends your Jesus saves
...but Satan scores the rebound

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

...Ears Of Corn

...If music it be the foode that is made of Love
...Then why is my guitar made of untunable cheese strings..?

...Grate....absolutely grate

Friday, September 15, 2006

...Now You've Got Me Cross

...Stigmata of the dump


...If you think that God doesn't exist
...Then he doesn't

Thursday, September 14, 2006

...Can't See The Point In An Imaginary Friend

...Wherever I goes, he goes with me too
...the both of us know each other as we-people
...never apart just partners in a double-whirled crime
...most of the time we are juste fine, fine, fine

...leave us be and we'll sit on our own
...though you won't see one of us, depending on the age of your bone
...which whirled you were seeded from will decide which one of us you see can reach out and almost touch us both, but you are really only touching me of pair, two true to be unreal
...hand in hand in a one man show a theatre that plays with three are juste a spectator, a visitor to our realm
...with your ticket of non-understanding it is outside of your real-whirled

...mock, and point and patronise feel free to do
...there will be no seat in the heavens here for disbelieving you
...the curtain call you will not hear, this show sinply runs and runs
...where lifes and whirleds collide then merge, outsyde of all our insydes

...this derelict attic-full of unused childrens toys
...silently boxed and taped amongst sheets of sleepduste and time has served to cake
...they move, yes, they are still in there verrye much alive
...but if you shoulde peek insyde to see, view but their cold shut eyes

...parallellified is juste one short playful step awaye from your place in your game
...I don't know what is more shameful, your thought process or where it is you may hide
...who killed your spirit, and who culled your belief?
...and name the ancestrial hearte burglar and magickal spirit-whirled thief may stare, you may cast judgement on us two
...the here and the now, the me and the you can't see the point in my imaginary friend
...if you can't see a beginning, you will never see an end

...sometimes he is there, sometimes he is not
...sometimes he turns up, while others he forgot
...he always has time for a cuddle a joke and some fun
...and an imaginary picture taken on his camera shaped like a bun

...there is no hate, no pain from where we roam
...there are no goals to seek no roof, fire or home
...the warmth thrives on knowing that we two are one
...and will forever be seen apart, as simply juste one

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

...Fyre Within The Flame

...You saide you'd give me lighte...but you never tolde me aboute the fyre
...Where is my home?
...Where have I come to now?
...What have I created through my flames?
...Tomorrow, what will I have forever undone?

...Could it be that my dance prevails my verrye demise
...Will I see those flames reflected in our eyes?
...Thoughts may load with emotions and desyre
...That I too have become my own flame withyn your hearte of fyre

...A pocket full of dreams you handed me
...I cupped them so verrye tightly
...Two handfuls of duste I now own
...Let down ever so politely

...The stars they look down and then gaze on awaye
...The sun will not show her warming face
...On a day like it is today

...See the flame withyn the fyre?
...Finde its source of creation
...Knowe that it too can extinguish its self
...Untouched by your lack of imagination

...I'll let it glow from sun to crimson embers
...Through those summers warm and golden
...To the frosts of this December

...It will consume and engulf all of me in its path
...It ignited fiftey per cent of the olde me
...It is now, the righte time to burn the other half

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

...Human Race

...Never knew I thought there was a feeling like this before
...don't touch the emotional paint you left to dry unmarked yesterday
...assembling your ladder to the stars when the sun it shines so strong
...even when your wrong things go right they are strangely still so verrye wrong

...numbers to designate which portions that you will serve unto me
...allowing such extravagancies in the dullest of nothing-filled places
...blurring the focus and seeing no faces
...painting out white all the lightest of spaces

...counting the seconds three at a time
...the day is a new way I have redefined to define
...I've thrown my self from ridiculous on down to the sublime
...I have no time to stay in this head, so I'm going out of my mind

...creating a new dimension that casts not one shadow
...most of longer words are mmm, yes and no
...I have no time left at all to say that I really have no time

...You And I Know There'll Be A Storm Tonight

...Saturated warmth drenches a barren duste
...the mustang harnessed to the corral feed on this electricity
...their wild eyes and wanton hooves seek another pasture this nighte orange so deep a purple in turmoil
...there is little between the sky and this lande

...she creeps like enertia over me from afar
...there is no power to control what she has in her hand
...we muste succomb to all that is to be
...the duste rises and swirls ahead of the coming confusion

...bolting horses silhoutetted against a blue-black scene
...freedom is a breath away in any direction
...these fences hold me for now but they too will soon be breached wind, by rein by force of nature

...with a finger she touches us and the connection is made
...spinning wildly she twystes like a dancer in a melody of her own
...neither one way or the other a destination untolde
...both of her soul-wrenching wyndes they be warm, but then colde

...such beauty with a clenched-fiste, such a magickal trick of our lighte this ability to turn our daye into her vivid nighte
...these galleons of change steam on cross our skies us blinding feelings in a lande with no eyes

...those horses so kept, so easy as her prey
...will they lie downe for sleep this endless of nightes
...or be wild and gone from these places no more
...what judges the touched and the unmoved

...veils of change sweep over our bodies
...anger and beauty dressed in this heavenly cloth
...there is more than a reason for this that will forever be unknowne
...the sirens they wail and almost cry - they will chill you to the bone

...gone are the mustangs, now freed are their souls
...wilde eyes will close now and free they are to eternally roam
...manes and teeth and noises like no other
...this feast on lifes table served up by earths mother

Monday, September 11, 2006

...Colours The Eye Sees That The Brain Will Not Permit

...fade away and radiate

...I8 hvn no tme 2 mslf thse dys

...evrthngs so 24/7 tme 2 spk 2 U
...rsh me ov me feet 2 mch
...kill the hmn in me

...spd up all the thngs iv 2 do
...crm them all in a bnch
...rce tha rce and strt real fst
...try n keep tha pce mttr how fst U run mttr whch lane U chse
...evn run b4 tha gun
...U thnk U win, but U lse

...there is no fnshng lne strt no gun iva
...U may aswl smsh tha clck wiv a hmmr
...4 all tha gud it duz U

...U R spkin like an Mbcile a rtard wiv an IQ of 2
...iz ths wot U let UR life bcum
...bcoz its tha way to do tha do? mth lies MT hrts not full soul is now drmnt
...its all bcoz ov U

...alphabtcly rdmntry
...a hnd wiv no fngrs
...a chf wth no scepns
...a dnnr smll tht duz not lngr unxprssve clrless U hve becum
...ths mst poetc of lcencs qckly undne

Sunday, September 10, 2006

...Author 1 and One Ferral

...The management reserves the right to make everything all wrong again

...Hollow Course

...Branded and numbered and herded like the unwanted
...but sought after are they, the ones with the skin of the disappearing
...the choosers have chosen and come in search for you and your kind
...they too will disappear like their ancestry before tears are seen, no rivers unred
...incise the blade that decides another life
...crimson waterfall flows true from a sunset of blood
...flailing tongues and necks dance the last dance of breath

...this newest of orders but the oldest of tyme
...a nazi piece of kitchenwork one could ever hope not to fynde kalishnikov nor jackboot, no S.S. no Reich song by The Beatles for Jude this darque nighte

...a factory of pain, your contribution means turnage
...your part in this destruction of life through ignorence difference now the Jew, to the lifeless menu before ye
...all it is is perception which you choose to excuse eternally

...Hey Jude, be very afraid

Saturday, September 09, 2006

...Every Snowflakes The Same

...Galleons of the nighte...sail so silently across my vision
...the moon she winks and then is gone while her lighte lives on
...silver and silhoutte vye for my eye
...the lande offers up its skin for the heavens to touche

...falling so quietly in a beautiful shhhhhhhh sounde could ever come between us
...these fieldes of shadow and secrets soon will
...unfurl their stories untolde many times o'er

...a blanket of love...some purity of nature
...the wynde it takes each one by its hande
...set me down and leave me here amongst my friends from on high
...let me cover you and close your eyes this starryless-filled nighte

...a chill that cuts like a frozen blade
...its beauty lays more than blue-skin deep my love
...don't walk away and show me your fate
...two sets of footprints to leave for each of your biggest mistakes untainted and so so evenly pure
...your take what you cover and make it another
...the shapes your distort and images you create
...gone are the hedge, the sign and the gate

...a map for the brave, a natural path to show
...they seem to go nowhere back to to and fro
...confused and blinded by the moons own doubled lighte
...crunching and crystalising like glass beneath a shoe

...white becomes all and all colours become sold
...silently replacing my world with its fall will know of me as the world it still sleeps
...a magickal sleight of hand in game of cards in disarray whiteout is silence and it comes with a shhhhhh
...I'll soon be taken away by the morne sun me for now as this is all I am
...I shalle returne to thee one day lay your soul bare and I shalle envelope your skin
...I falle from your heavens but come from within

Friday, September 08, 2006

...Lifedome 731

...A capsule, a dream, a journey for all of mankind
...some tears for farewells, so tears for goodbyes
...some smiles for they were seen not again

...A quest for discovery to gather and seek
...a script for mans own way of talking
...a crew with an aim that they knew so well
...but one of the numbers were differing

...they travelled so far a world away from this world touch a land that was untouched
...a new human footprint, a story retold
...over my shoulder was history

...many days did they pass and analysis analysed
...the screens at mission control saw much gazing
...this soul from the same planet so tired of our ways
...set foot down on that blue planet for good

...this last days mission was a deadline to meet
...planetary duste moved away from his feet
...the samples and gathering were duly done and returned
...but he strode on into the distance forever

...they sent out their searches and used the time as best they could
...but to stay was to die and to leave was to kill
...torn between to save and to leave the mission control
...called for them to return

...this solitary body, a soul of stars truly alone with, a myriad of heartes
...he has his own place now, be it briefly in time sit on your own planet seems to sounde so damn fine

...he watched them leave and fly away to nil
...juste another silver twinkling in the relection of his eye
...the silence enveloped him and lighte bounced arounde
...even when he screamed joy, there simple was no sounde

...this cinematic horizon so azzure and relentless
...this worlde falles away and the sky now endless
...what price this moment? a meaningless question sit with the galaxy at your verrye feet

...I may not be here for too long the briefest of kisses
...the heavens so darquened yet soft duste underfoot it glistens
...I contemplate what had left me and what with me doth remains
...whatever song I sing here, it will always remain the same

...I am the only life here, but soon too this will wane
...I too shalle be leaving this worlde, this is the reason I still came leave my breath will be heavenly way up here in your nighte sky
...after many years of simply existing down there
...up here I can honestly say
...I am looking forward to die

...Any Language Babey ~ It Means I Love You

...Rdiff Knarb Bekonf Smoondigglerdawgers
...Fdelch Pinwidding Foagarbles Bnip Bnerp
...Smaddle Smiffglard Sdink-Sdong S'doo
...Psaskens Fiskrennigdoops Glarke Smlarke Sanoo

...Twegen Merckies Fankey Ferkies
...Doodliggs Elkney-Whooooes
...Twunkers Munkers Smunker-Mooes
...Wanglies Dinker-Doo

...Sboogle Mmmmpooogle Skrift-Skraff Snoo
...Zazzle-Schnipps, Ploinkey-Pipps
...Chubble-Prubble Nanney-Noo

(O.K. - O.K. !!!! ...The Translator I Got was Cheap)

...Moving Stare Case

...Passing a shape resembling someone I used to be
...a unit of space that now is blowing on the wind my friend contained so much of me for such a small amount of time there is no outer edge on which to define

...It is translucent and someone else may now be home there
...its corridors of usability now have a for rent sign too was always on a hand to heart basis anyhow
...but I left my hand in my pocket for only you

...its destination is unsure these days
...its location never seems to reste
...I would guess that it will never fynde a home
...but just for a short while you can view it
...where'er it may temporarily reste

...conflicting journeys that take aswell as give
...when you are rising so freely, you sometimes have to fall to live
...look me up I'm feeling down as I travel on my way
...I move and bounce so freely now that I can move for days and days

...single file, and single and filed
...we queue behind the cloned
...don't race the end it will surely come to thee
...and where you stand behind your self-made clone

...there is a time for each and every level
...a reason to step off, or step on
...but never ever chase your own tail my friend
...fore as you juste get will be gone

Thursday, September 07, 2006

...Purrception O.K. alright good night everything paying attention
...ignorence......did you just say something?

...being self satisfying
...being always denying
...being right....may leave you crying, sometimes

...let me down....and you care so little
...let me so brittle
...let me I can never fly again

...see the she fills my soul
...see the sun....souls aglow
...see the away the rains

...I believe......yes, yes I do
...oh I believe...that me, like you too
...still believe..that things can change

...locked away....our hearts still beate
...locked away....but darqueness is so sweet
...locked away....look here is that key

...turn the lock..and we are free
...turn the lock..and we will all see to be......just like we all know we shoulde

...let them fall..all of their ideals
...let them fall..disemble their wheels
...let them fall..these factories of human emptiness

...there is a way...if you look for a sign
...there is a may be so sublime
...there is a and you shalle see

...fore I know....the man I am now to be
...fore I this shoulde all be
...fore I know....that it cannot be any other way

...throw no dice...refuse to play
...throw no dice...put your games away
...throw no dice...this competitions over now

...simplicity...they say that less is more
...simplicity...decisions at your verrye door
...simplicity...time to make hay in a rainstorm numbers up...I have to be counted now numbers up...statistically aligned somehow numbers up...count me out on all your fingers

...I me
...I believe...within me
...I believe...I am in me now

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

...Sunshine Wardrobe

...Let me at it and go go go throw myself in air and flow flow flow
...inside of smileness and dressed in warmth aglow
...a daye so pure and crysteline I knever knew before shoes, no socks, the ground may kiss me so
...a green so green, a blue so blue, and yellow so yellow skin is dancing let it rain, let it sun and snow
...I hear some bells and look for a church that no one ever to goes

...I am in the space between happiness and forever giggles atticful of toys that all happen to know my name
...its like a giant feather has chased me across of all timesfyldes now
...If I fell i'm sure I would land in a giant chocolate coffee cake with name on it

...blindingly awesome and swirlyngly consuming
...a candle of fun with a kick-burning so young
...look, the trees are even dancing and keeling over each other
...this whole jives jumping to the sound of earthmother dice need be thrown, no six to start
...I have left the stagnant ones behind and no longer play act that part
...spinning me around and flying through yippee-space
...I've just measured my smile which is far too big for my face

...Can You Hear What I Hear..?






Saturday, September 02, 2006

...Kissing Your Heaven

...Souls they flay and sparks ignite such loaded air
...when flesh combine and hearte are so aware
...a wave of warmth - a crash of passion
...this shore is of love and a storm is raging

...eyes like consuming fyres with a soul ablaze of desires
...return we do to the animal of ways this at the suns sleeping
...those inhibited dances and coveted feelings close as ours dare - this new religion is so untainted
...a merging of soul-wanting and outer-body exchanging
...twyste me and slithering we undo our skin-expectations
...from this place there cannot be anything less than truth

...a hand, a touche, a feeling like no other
...the touche is not the reason, it is that of your lover
...this outage of honesty, and veils of nature do falle
...when you are this naked, there can only be all

...worldes of adrenalin with a fyre like a sun
...two as one with none that can be undone
...united as never and forever to be
...I like you are, together as we

...come fly
...take flight
...leave this nothingness behind
...for fieldes of pleasure
...lay down your sweet sweet body
...embrace this in a godly measure
...this is where, yes this is only where are open so, so wide
...and heaven pours forth from within you like lighte birth to yourself
...whilst watching and crying
...contorting your crimson emotions
...riding this electrified ecstacy
...falling through several new unknown dimensions
...with no skin, no bone, no more

...I am only a feeling
...I am only a feeling
...You have left me reeling
...I am only a feeling

...the planets above form a line as if in a smile
...I hope and pray to any of your gods
...that I am here for a while propel and fyre me to places
...that I never had the capacity to allow for showed me an invisible wall
...then opened up loves door

...I am not here
...I am not there
...I am nowhere
...I am everywhere
...I have no name
...I need not my body
...I am air so clear
...I am free at last
...I am


...If I were to feel emotion would there be any reaction?
...If I were to offer out the touche of belief would it create any confusion?
...If I were to react to this confusion in a positive manner would there be any healing?
...If I happened to collect your gaze would you look away into the atmosphere?

...If all that we ever did was all that we ever were would it make any difference?
...If all that we changed and shaped was never the same forever more would we notice?
...If we noticed a changed and the seeds that grew were abundant would we plough again?
...If all that we reaped was bountiful and lush would there be a need for anything other?

...If there was a way that challenged all that is set by their stone would we have time to consider?
...If that way entitled you to live and breathe as you should would you gather no more?
...If everything you ever dreamed for arrived at your doorstep would you wish no more?
...If you had all you needed would you want to want ne'er again?

...If you did dance as if this were the fast tango in perish would you choose me as your other?
...If love had never been discovered would you know how to smother?
...If a smile was a currency would you lock up your finance?
...If this worlde stopped to turn again would you step off for another?

...If the bones that I am fold and fall into disarray would you step over me and on?
...If the hearte that steels me from hell shoulde falter would still go e'er on?
...If these wordes were taken on wind of ill fate would they rest on the ear of the listening?
...If my hell dothe freeze o'er will you play in its snow a-glistening?

...If questions were jury and the verdicts were contentious would you visit this courte of desire?
...If you ventured from your cold day in purgatory would you resonate to this fyre?
...If you stood at lifes peak would you still wante to climb higher?
...If I asked no more questions then where can I go now?

...Life maybe a question unanswered
...Our reason to be may be fraught with illusions
...This journey of being may be pointless or golden
...The destination cannot be known within these compressing limitations

...To know is to have been
...To have been is to have existed
...To have existed it to have been
...To question is the only answer