Thursday, September 14, 2006

...Can't See The Point In An Imaginary Friend

...Wherever I goes, he goes with me too
...the both of us know each other as we-people
...never apart just partners in a double-whirled crime
...most of the time we are juste fine, fine, fine

...leave us be and we'll sit on our own
...though you won't see one of us, depending on the age of your bone
...which whirled you were seeded from will decide which one of us you see can reach out and almost touch us both, but you are really only touching me of pair, two true to be unreal
...hand in hand in a one man show a theatre that plays with three are juste a spectator, a visitor to our realm
...with your ticket of non-understanding it is outside of your real-whirled

...mock, and point and patronise feel free to do
...there will be no seat in the heavens here for disbelieving you
...the curtain call you will not hear, this show sinply runs and runs
...where lifes and whirleds collide then merge, outsyde of all our insydes

...this derelict attic-full of unused childrens toys
...silently boxed and taped amongst sheets of sleepduste and time has served to cake
...they move, yes, they are still in there verrye much alive
...but if you shoulde peek insyde to see, view but their cold shut eyes

...parallellified is juste one short playful step awaye from your place in your game
...I don't know what is more shameful, your thought process or where it is you may hide
...who killed your spirit, and who culled your belief?
...and name the ancestrial hearte burglar and magickal spirit-whirled thief may stare, you may cast judgement on us two
...the here and the now, the me and the you can't see the point in my imaginary friend
...if you can't see a beginning, you will never see an end

...sometimes he is there, sometimes he is not
...sometimes he turns up, while others he forgot
...he always has time for a cuddle a joke and some fun
...and an imaginary picture taken on his camera shaped like a bun

...there is no hate, no pain from where we roam
...there are no goals to seek no roof, fire or home
...the warmth thrives on knowing that we two are one
...and will forever be seen apart, as simply juste one


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