Wednesday, September 13, 2006

...Fyre Within The Flame

...You saide you'd give me lighte...but you never tolde me aboute the fyre
...Where is my home?
...Where have I come to now?
...What have I created through my flames?
...Tomorrow, what will I have forever undone?

...Could it be that my dance prevails my verrye demise
...Will I see those flames reflected in our eyes?
...Thoughts may load with emotions and desyre
...That I too have become my own flame withyn your hearte of fyre

...A pocket full of dreams you handed me
...I cupped them so verrye tightly
...Two handfuls of duste I now own
...Let down ever so politely

...The stars they look down and then gaze on awaye
...The sun will not show her warming face
...On a day like it is today

...See the flame withyn the fyre?
...Finde its source of creation
...Knowe that it too can extinguish its self
...Untouched by your lack of imagination

...I'll let it glow from sun to crimson embers
...Through those summers warm and golden
...To the frosts of this December

...It will consume and engulf all of me in its path
...It ignited fiftey per cent of the olde me
...It is now, the righte time to burn the other half


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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September 14, 2006 2:17 AM  

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