Tuesday, September 12, 2006

...You And I Know There'll Be A Storm Tonight

...Saturated warmth drenches a barren duste
...the mustang harnessed to the corral feed on this electricity
...their wild eyes and wanton hooves seek another pasture this nighte
...an orange so deep a purple in turmoil
...there is little between the sky and this lande

...she creeps like enertia over me from afar
...there is no power to control what she has in her hand
...we muste succomb to all that is to be
...the duste rises and swirls ahead of the coming confusion

...bolting horses silhoutetted against a blue-black scene
...freedom is a breath away in any direction
...these fences hold me for now but they too will soon be breached
...by wind, by rein by force of nature

...with a finger she touches us and the connection is made
...spinning wildly she twystes like a dancer in a melody of her own
...neither one way or the other a destination untolde
...both of her soul-wrenching wyndes they be warm, but then colde

...such beauty with a clenched-fiste, such a magickal trick of our lighte
...how this ability to turn our daye into her vivid nighte
...these galleons of change steam on cross our skies
...giving us blinding feelings in a lande with no eyes

...those horses so kept, so easy as her prey
...will they lie downe for sleep this endless of nightes
...or be wild and gone from these places no more
...what judges the touched and the unmoved

...veils of change sweep over our bodies
...anger and beauty dressed in this heavenly cloth
...there is more than a reason for this that will forever be unknowne
...the sirens they wail and almost cry - they will chill you to the bone

...gone are the mustangs, now freed are their souls
...wilde eyes will close now and free they are to eternally roam
...manes and teeth and noises like no other
...this feast on lifes table served up by earths mother


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