Monday, September 11, 2006

...I8 hvn no tme 2 mslf thse dys

...evrthngs so 24/7 tme 2 spk 2 U
...rsh me ov me feet 2 mch
...kill the hmn in me

...spd up all the thngs iv 2 do
...crm them all in a bnch
...rce tha rce and strt real fst
...try n keep tha pce mttr how fst U run mttr whch lane U chse
...evn run b4 tha gun
...U thnk U win, but U lse

...there is no fnshng lne strt no gun iva
...U may aswl smsh tha clck wiv a hmmr
...4 all tha gud it duz U

...U R spkin like an Mbcile a rtard wiv an IQ of 2
...iz ths wot U let UR life bcum
...bcoz its tha way to do tha do? mth lies MT hrts not full soul is now drmnt
...its all bcoz ov U

...alphabtcly rdmntry
...a hnd wiv no fngrs
...a chf wth no scepns
...a dnnr smll tht duz not lngr unxprssve clrless U hve becum
...ths mst poetc of lcencs qckly undne


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