Sunday, September 24, 2006

...And Now The Full-Time Classified Fateball Results

...What a match...but not made in heaven
...rumour has it that they there may be more than 7eaven
...a won-sided match if never there wasn't one
...but the worlde came to watch and hung-up their own breath like an unworn coat

...two sides to cheer...the straight the queer
...the black the white
...the darque and the lighte
...the futures not orange
...the futures not brighte
...the weak are always to be found
...puppeteering their might

...two ends two goals - one object, to win dispose of the other and paint on your grin
...who'd a thought it'd come righte down to this
...a devils advocate and a devils accomplice the righte we have God - resplendoured in blacke
...and to my left sighte your devil berobed in white apparel attack win is only all - there is no psyche that envelopes to falle
...there is no referee, no judgement, no need the truimphant will cure this worlde and the beaten may they bleede

...a whistle so deafening it counts down this cherished last time the end of these 90 minutes one deity must then refrain

...a tantalising, mouthwatering fixture of fate
...almost as rewarding as finding out that Cilla is your blind date
...the best form of attack is the last line of defence
...all around the touchlines the intelligent makethed nonsennes goals are scored for fear of defeat
...a carnivores banquet without any meat
...there will be no anything to lose is to duste
...the victor will reign supreme and score a goal they muste

...0-0 and blankened the scoreboard stays silent
...although God collected a yellow card for unfair-play deemed violent
...Satan was up to his old tricks going down when he should've stayed up
...and mentioning during a missed penalty that he charred the last team he beat in the global whirled cup

...but God was unfazed by this, it only seemed to spur him on
...but Lordey-dawdey he missed a gifted sitter with 89 minutes gone
...the three-wise men dropped their heads in shame and Mary hailed once more
...What a sighte it was to behold, Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh strewn all over the floor

...Satans legions burnt the away end to a cinder
...but then skewed an open goal chance wide an out-of-his-box defender

...the scoreboard read 90 and the time was all but Satan and God were the now the same
...their biblical efforts to oust one another failed to seperate them in this game
...but like a twyste in a tale and the corkscrew of fate
...there was to be a fateful strike never too early and never too late last incisory poetical movement of form
...and so then silence befelle this moste hallowed of ground
...yes my friends your Jesus saves
...but Satan scores the rebound


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