Saturday, September 02, 2006


...If I were to feel emotion would there be any reaction?
...If I were to offer out the touche of belief would it create any confusion?
...If I were to react to this confusion in a positive manner would there be any healing?
...If I happened to collect your gaze would you look away into the atmosphere?

...If all that we ever did was all that we ever were would it make any difference?
...If all that we changed and shaped was never the same forever more would we notice?
...If we noticed a changed and the seeds that grew were abundant would we plough again?
...If all that we reaped was bountiful and lush would there be a need for anything other?

...If there was a way that challenged all that is set by their stone would we have time to consider?
...If that way entitled you to live and breathe as you should would you gather no more?
...If everything you ever dreamed for arrived at your doorstep would you wish no more?
...If you had all you needed would you want to want ne'er again?

...If you did dance as if this were the fast tango in perish would you choose me as your other?
...If love had never been discovered would you know how to smother?
...If a smile was a currency would you lock up your finance?
...If this worlde stopped to turn again would you step off for another?

...If the bones that I am fold and fall into disarray would you step over me and on?
...If the hearte that steels me from hell shoulde falter would still go e'er on?
...If these wordes were taken on wind of ill fate would they rest on the ear of the listening?
...If my hell dothe freeze o'er will you play in its snow a-glistening?

...If questions were jury and the verdicts were contentious would you visit this courte of desire?
...If you ventured from your cold day in purgatory would you resonate to this fyre?
...If you stood at lifes peak would you still wante to climb higher?
...If I asked no more questions then where can I go now?

...Life maybe a question unanswered
...Our reason to be may be fraught with illusions
...This journey of being may be pointless or golden
...The destination cannot be known within these compressing limitations

...To know is to have been
...To have been is to have existed
...To have existed it to have been
...To question is the only answer


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